Friday 1 February 2019


This blog is about to morph into a place where I publish prose and poetry....and very little visual art. The reason is simply that I'm not as mobile as I once was (growing old), and were I to continue making art, the visual kind, I wouldn't have any outlet to share it outside of this blog. The business of art is, as I've explained in other postings, very arduous, and I no longer have the stamina to chase around to various galleries and the such. Instead, I'm going to do some writing, a hobby of mine, something that I've dabbled with over the years. I don't promise anything great, just thoughts that come to mind that until now I've only shared with me, myself, and I, my alter ego in other words.

I've enjoyed posting and talking about my art over the years. Hopefully, some of those that visited took away some helpful information. I enjoy sharing. At the moment I'm working on another art book, my last, archiving in a manner of speaking, some of my very early landscape work.I'll let everyone know when I publish. I the meantime, here's something that I wrote this morning while contemplating the 100 cm of snow that we received in the past couple of days. Enjoy....hopefully.


At this moment in human history when we are in peril of self destructing, there is a rush to leave our world and, like a message in a bottle set adrift on an endless sea, leave a message that says that we were here.  If this is important to our purpose is it possible that the idea is older than time itself, and are we simply the message in a bottle?

What Purpose

What purpose do we serve?

Is their meaning to our lives?

as old as time.

Makes one wonder,
who we serve,
and who,
who really, 
was God?

Are we replicants of some lost race
lost in time
survived by 
other replicants 
sent to wander the endless void,
and protect a memory 
of a race,
somewhere in time ,
and space.


And is this rock
upon which we live
simply a testament 
to those that once lived, 
a mirror,
that says,
“We were here?”

EAS 2019

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