Saturday, 31 July 2021


HOME BY GPS - TURN LEFT HERE!    Digital Art.  Ernest Somers  2021



I write because I must.

I must leave a record of my being



Why is it important? 

Something that I’ve asked myself 

many times.

It just seems,

at least to me, that

to leave no record of our stay

makes no sense.

We must have had 

  a purpose?

Someone should know that we came,

passed by this way, 

and stayed,

if only for a little while.

And so,

.......I write.


I'm concerned, as many of us are, that we've really, truly, fucked up, and that there's no way that we, meaning the entire population of Earth, can make the deadline to avoid reducing, or turning back, global warming. Thing is, I'm not really concerned having past the event horizon of aging, although I do participate through my actions to reduce my carbon footprint. Actually, my wife and I have been doing so for many decades through composting, recycling, and making do with less. Still, unless everyone gets on board and stop heaping our concerns on fossil fuels as the main cause, and begins to look at our daily wasteful habits, then there's no hope, and life on this planet will be all about Haves, and Have Nots and a very dystopian way of life.


What must we do?

We’ve tried telling the truth,

tugging at heartstrings,

listing the facts

revealing our fears, but

no one is listening; maybe some are, 

but only a very few.

We’ve punched mother nature as hard as can be 

destroying the seas, and all that dwells 

deep in its depths. We’ve levelled the forests,

cleared the land everywhere, and 

continue to burn coal,

and drive cars, 

that pollute the air.

We rob ecosystems of their worth,

fill them with garbage. and 

cover our sins with dirt.

We’ve paved over paradise, and

make things look nice, but

fail to think what our actions have caused, 

until the heavens open up, 

and the rains start to pour.

The Horsemen are saddled

the riding commenced, 

death and destruction 

knocks at the door.

Is there the chance that 

we might change our ways, 

and save this planet 

for much better days, or 

will the door,

now open a crack, 

swing wide open, 

and take what is due?

Here’s hoping with choices 

we do what is right, 

not for ourselves,

but for the future, 

.......still not in sight.

Stay Safe, and continue masking! The Delta Variant lurks around every corner, and isn't at all picky in choosing its victims, including I'm told, those fully vaccinated.