Saturday, 27 August 2016


Why are we in such a hurry?

As I read articles about global warming, I cannot help but notice that just about all environmentalist are in a rush to point out that if we don’t do something about “it" now, immediately, then our world is doomed. It’s true that Co2 levels have increased, but is there no one out there that thinks as I do that perhaps, just perhaps, rushing to solve a problem that isn’t thoroughly understood could actually result in our failure to actually address real causes and effects? We’re hell bent to reduce our dependance on the burning of fossil fuels failing to realize, or acknowledge, that this very action could cause hurt, and result in a negative response that ultimately could set potential gains back decades. I have observed that the call to respond quickly is driven by politicians who are tied into the thinking of eco-evangelists facing a factor limited by their time in office. It’s as if some would like to leave a legacy of sorts without regard to whether the implemtation of contols will work, and with complete disregard for the electorate. Frankly, in speaking with the average person I get the feeling that not everyone is satisfied with the rush to change, and do believe that once the average person realizes the strain that this will have on incomes and life style, that a political backlash is inevitable.

Perhaps, acknowledging that change is necessary we should back off a bit and consider making present technologies more efficient and, perhaps, look at concentrating research and development in cleaner nuclear energy, as well as a future fueled by fusion energy.

Global warming may be happening, but at what speed, and with what ultimate effects? Ever occurring tectonic activity may be a real cause, something that we have no control over. Change will take place, the seas will rise with ice sheets melting, and rising temperatures will make many areas uninhabitable, while at the same time shifts in the weather patterns will make other areas suitable for habitation. Whether the change will take place over decades, or thousands of years, no one really knows. Now is the time for humanity to prepare, but not as suggested, rushing and trampling on the dreams and aspirations of generations, but gradually and with real thought and preparation.

Sorry about that, I find this whole thing about global warming and the response and suggested actions by politicians, driven by persons I refer to as eco-evangelists, frustrating. I just had to get my thoughts out there, and off my chest, so to speak.

I've been writing, putting together my next book, MY PAINTING PLACES-ALGONQUIN PROVINCIAL PARK. I've pulled together some 60 pages, and probably have 200, or more, still to go, as well as finding that additional sketches and paintings may be necessary in order to bring things up to date. Not unlike my recent book on Killarney Provincial Park, I may have to publish in two parts as there's probably too much to incorporate into just one book. It's going to take awhile.

Recently, we were up to Algonquin. I made a couple of sketches and plan to go back up that way in a few weeks to make some more. The hard part is yet to come, turning some of the sketches into paintings.

While up there we stayed at the Blue Spruce Resort located just outside of the park (I'm getting too old to sleep on the ground). A.J. Casson, the eighth member of the Group of Seven, when he got to be my age, used to stay there also. The present proprietor of the Blue Spruce Resort remembers that, when he was a teen, he used to sit and watch A.J. sketch. It's interesting to note that all of A.J.'s sketches were done in pencil with copious colour notes which he used to translate into paintings in the winter, in the comfort of his studio.

I'm no A.J. Casson, of course, and the only resemblance is that I love to make sketches, which I use to make paintings back in my studio. One difference, I have been known to make paintings in the field.

Park Lake     Graphite Sketch  2016

Island - Lake of Two Rivers    Graphite Sketch

Promontory - Lake of Two Rivers    Graphite Sketch

Friday, 5 August 2016



With the setting of the sun darkness crept over the forest of pine,
and settled on a northern lake.

The hush that grew,
was broken
by the cry of a loon,
answered by another.

Reinforcement of a mutual bond,
or veiled threat?

An errant breeze
set the pines to whisper a message,
that spread throughout the forest
with a swirl of leaves.

A flash of light,
followed by a low rumble in a far off quarter,
issued a warning.

The sky darkened,
as the moon and the stars took flight.

The breeze grew stronger,
and gave way to a wind.

Flashes of light,
and the sound of thunder,
grew stronger.

Droplets fell from the sky,
that grew,
and fell with a roar.

The air was alive with flashes of light.
The sound of the thunder gave off a fright.
The wind shrieked,
and rattled the branches in the forest of pine.

And then it was over.
The quiet returned.

The clouds blew away.
And the moon, and the stars,

And out on the lake the loon gave a cry,
Answered by the other.