Thursday 19 December 2019

FOLDER #2 - STUDIES #1 through 11

Here are a few more studies and drawings, all principal characters portrayed in the very many paintings and drawings that I made and marketed over the years. By flipping and retracing the various studies and drawings one could compose many paintings. Today, of course, with the advancement of graphic computer programs the task is made much simpler.

Canada Geese pencil tracings, characters for future paintings.

This was, still is I would hope, a large watercolour painting composed by tracing and rearranging various individual characters. A lot of work, but that's how it was done back in the day before computers. About this painting, I recall finishing it the night before it was to be exhibited, and I had no sooner framed and hung it when it was sold. Fortunately, I had the time to take a photograph and preserve the memory before it was gone. The purchaser, a chap who owned and operated a resort up on Georgian Bay has since passed, and I have no idea whether the painting has a new home, or has since found its way to landfill, the fate of many works of art.

Canada Goose - Pencil Study
Winter Wren - Pencil Study
Downy Woodpecker - Pencils Study

Red-breasted Nuthatch - Pencil Studies

Flight of Canada Geese - Pencil Study

Canada Goose - Pencil Study

Winter Wren - Pencil Study

Red-breasted Nuthatch - Pencil Drawing

Downy woodpecker - Pencil and Watercolour Study
This drawing was used in a painting and a hand-painted etching (see below). I use the term etching loosely as the final piece was created by employing a line etch, a series of resin aquatints, and then each print was hand-painted. Printmaking, in particular intaglio printmaking is extremely difficult. One has to be more than a bit masochistic to enjoy this form of printmaking. 

Downy Woodpecker - Hand-coloured Intaglio Print.

White-breasted Nuthatch - Pencil and Watercolour Study
Another drawing that was used to make a hand-coloured Intaglio Print (below)

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