Monday 23 September 2024


                           Canisbay Lake, Algonquin Park.     Pencil Sketch       September 2024

I'm aged, in my 80s, and with failing health I find myself confined to sketch at the side of lakes, or some comfortable spot in parks while we picnic. How I hate getting old. Makes me wish that I had spent more time doing this and that, instead of putting off until tomorrow.

Anyway, we made it up to Algonquin Provincial park and spent a few days making  the odd sketch. I'll post others in days to come, but in the meantime here's a pencil sketch made at Canisbay Lake. Of note, the park wasn't as busy as in past years. There were only a couple of cars with canoe racks parked indicating that there were few doing overnight or weekend camping further up the lake. I'm inclined to believe that an increase in park admission fees, as well as additional permits required, are having an effect on numbers visiting the park. 

While Sandy explored I parked myself on a picnic table bench and did a quick sketch looking up the lake. The leaning cedar at the side of the lake near to the canoe launch caught my eye bringing back memories of another leaning tree, a huge White pine that once grew on the point depicted, and over time, a period of years, increasingly leaned before losing its grip on the side of the bank and fell into the lake. No doubt this large cedar will suffer a similar fate. Whether I'm around to see it, perhaps not, as even if I'm still breathing, future sojourns to the park are unfortunately are for me becoming doubtful.

I mention this simply to remind those of you who may stop by, that it's not wise to put off doing something important until tomorrow, and tomorrow. Make memories while you can because, as life when you're young may seem long, it's really much shorter than you think.....and then it's over.


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