Friday 24 May 2024


For your interest I've just finished putting together and publishing what will probably be my last book. I've  written and publish some 20 books over the years, and find with ageing and becoming less mobile, I've about run out of material to produce yet another. 

This last publishing is a bit of a random collection of sketches and drawings taken from my files, a means to archive a few of my efforts, as well as a means to share some of my efforts over the years with my readers.

I publish through Blurb Publishing, a print-on-demand publisher. I self publish receiving a book copy for myself, and leave the books with the publisher to sell. I choose to receive no royalty as from past experience I realize that art book, and poetry book, sales are something less than great, and any monies received could create a tax problem , coming from the U.S.  I make the books available in paper book as well as digital form. The digital copy can be reviewed online in its entirety for free. Give I a whirl. The PDF form is also very economical should you wish to have a copy, about $6.00 U.S. . 


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