Sunday 11 August 2019


In a previous posting on the subject of global warming, and the so called climate emergency, I wrote of  weather changes being brought about due primarily by world population growth and unchecked urban growth. Both, of course, result in the need for the burning of fossil fuels in order to allow each to thrive. We could make use of nuclear energy, a cleaner source of energy, but then there is the disposal of nuclear waste, although since faced with that problem, solutions have been suggested. Still, nuclear energy is not thought of as an alternative to fossil fuels, instead we're chasing windmills and solar energy although both sources are unreliable, and in themselves leave a carbon footprint. Both sources are time sensitive with the need for replacement of integral parts every twenty years, or so, at considerable expense both monetary, and from the standpoint of energy used to recycle and dispose of worn parts. The thought, of course, is that this would be a environmentally acceptable source of electricity and could provide power to replace gasoline fuelled vehicles, solving once and for all our global climate emergency. A pipe dream at best.

Here in Canada we have a problem in switching over to electric powered vehicles. It's quite simple actually, Canada is a large, country with a poor public transportation system. Few have the money to simply switch to an electric vehicle that is not dependable for driving long distances, particularly in winter. If you live and work in an urban centre then perhaps, but then you really don't need a vehicle as urban areas have dependable public transportation. Electric vehicles that can be driven only 400 km in cold weather can lose much of their electric charge, reducing their travelling distance considerably. Get caught in a snow storm, or in a traffic jam in winter, and watch your charge melt away possibly leaving you stranded. Much has to be done before those living in a northern clime can rely on electric vehicles.

As I see it apart from we, as individuals, the real enemy to climate change, adjusting our habits and becoming more sensitive to the environment through recycling and reuse, have to give industry time to solve their problems leading to their products becoming more sensitive to the environment.

It will take time, and global warming will continue just as it has for thousands of years, but we will make technological gains, and slow the inevitable. In the meantime, perhaps those of you who are young, and have stumbled upon this posting, should take heed and realize that lifeboat Earth has only so much resources, and cannot support an unlimited number of passengers. If planet Earth is to survive a line has to be drawn,  and religions/governments have to come together to replace archaic thought, and develop the means to manage humanity. Sending a few souls into space is not the solution.

As a footnote to my suggesting that industry and technology, if we give them a chance will work to solve the problem of global warming, I refer you to the article that appeared in the CBC news on August 14, 2009. I also refer you to an article further down the page that suggests that unless cooler heads prevail, then we have no fear of global warming, as many of us won't live to see solutions.

Of course, given the state of the world and the leaders presently in control, a more ominous solution to global warming may be just around the corner. With China playing dangerous games, Russia and the United States returning to the arms race, North Korea testing missiles, Iran tempting fate, and the American President continuing to tweet silliness, someone is bound to push a button.  They say  that a nuclear war could cause a nuclear winter reducing temperatures all over the world, as well as have a negative effect on the world's population. So, as you can see, putting everyone in Canada in an electric vehicle is the least of our worries.

Time to take a break from fretting about the future of the planet Time to head north to Algonquin Provincial Park to enjoy a bit of solitude, and perhaps make a sketch, or two. In the meantime here are a couple of paintings made up that way, and if you're into bad poetry, something that I scribbled this morning.....

Morning Algonquin   Watercolour Painting

Whitefish Lake Island Algonquin  Watercolour Sketch

Autumn Algonquin Provincial Park     Watercolour Painting


Spring dragged its feet, and was slow to appear. 
Summer came late and, now, 
.....August is here. 
The winds off the Bay 
are tinged with cold air.
The leaves of the Maple, 
once a soft yellow green,
have darkened,
become leathery, 
.....and are a dark shade of green.
The Monarchs are gathering, 
their long journey begun,
to find warmth in a tropical sun. 
Flowers in our garden, 
once a joy to behold
shrivel and die, 
.... their purpose now done.
The days grow shorter, 
and the nights have grown longer. 
Songbirds that once greeted the dawn, 
and woke us with their morning song,
grow silent, 
then quietly, 
disappear, avoid what’s to come.
As August retreats we look forward to September, 
with hope for mild weather,
for time to prepare,
for what we all fear,
the cold of the winter -
......a time of despair.

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