Friday 2 March 2018


I’m old, growing older, and have time to think. 

This morning my wife killed our chlorophytum comosum, our spider plant for those of you not familiar with the latin. She salvaged a plantlet, and put it in water. It’ll grow roots, and when it does it can be planted in soil and continue to grow, a clone if you would of the original plant, the original of which began generations ago. Life everlasting as long as we continue to harvest and plant the plantlets. It got me to thinking about “life everlasting”, and the purpose of life itself.

I suppose that if you are a member of one of the major religions you probably believe that there is a purpose for life, for our living, suffering, and dying. It’s beyond my thinking, but if you’re a Christian then you believe in "life everlasting”, and resurrection. As I mentioned it’s beyond me, our purpose. Perhaps, it’s all about the continuation of species, procreation, we’re born, we grow, mature, become sexually active, have children, raise our children, then (we’re suppose to) die. Unfortunately, most of us, unlike many species after procreating, don’t die, we continue to take up space, amuse ourselves, become bored, then die. Death is feared. Probably, because we don’t trust that we will be resurrected, but then who really wants to be resurrected? For what purpose? Even if we were reserected and wen up to Heaven, what then? In my mind it still hasn’t answered the question, “what is the purpose of life?” 

Of late, well actually I always have had, realistic dreams. You know, those kind of dreams where you visit a place not familiar, but realistic, where you interact with individuals who live in your dream. I mentioned that I’m old, and growing older, so it’s not unusual to actually think that there may be something else, and that maybe my dreams are foretelling. Eienstein believed in a multiverse where we exist in infinite worlds. Perhaps, this is “life everlasting?”
Of course, I’ll never know, nor will any of us, as parallel worlds never cross.

Still haven’t come up with a reason for the purpose of life. I’ll continue thinking……..

Oh yes, the reason that I'm here, so to speak, is to tell you that I finished, and published, Part II of my book, "My Painting Places - Algonquin Provincial Park." Hard slogging, 242 pages, and a couple of hundred images. Should you wish to review a portion of the book follow this link:-

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