Sunday, 27 July 2014


Most of us who aspire to be artists, and to be recognized as such, will probably be disappointed. This remark would seem inappropriate seeing as how I'm about to promote a book that I hope would encourage persons to embrace sketching and drawing. However, it is a fact that history will probably not remember most of us. But, what’s important to realize is that recognition is not necessary for the sheer enjoyment and peace of mind that can be attained through the act of making art. Sketching should be approached as a means of creating a memory. Whether the sketch lives up to your expectation, or not, the memory created will last a lifetime. Many a time I’ve made a sketch of a scene only to look at the finished effort and thought to myself, how awful it was. But years later when I look at the sketch not only can I see some redeeming qualities I’m transported back in time to that moment and I remember.........the warmth of the sun and the smell of the pines. So, forget about master pieces, forget about trying to impress the family, and just sketch and paint and make a wonderful memory.

I've made many memories over the years and it is my concern that one day, when I fade away, so too will my many sketches and paintings. So, with this in mind I recently put together a few words and a number of images and publish in print book form. I made a small book titled, WHERE RAVEN PLAYS. Some might remember that 12 years, or so, ago I created an ebook of similar title, meant to be an artist's guide to Ontario's Algonquin Provincial Park. Since then I've followed raven to other wilderness place and having created many more sketches and paintings I decided archive a few of my efforts to be shared with persons who still hold dearly to the printed book.

I published through, an online publisher who have added the title to their retail inventory. The book sells at the publisher's printing cost. I added no markup as I quite realize there's not a huge market for books of this nature, and thinking to keep the cost as low as possible for those who might appreciate my effort. Anyone who might be interested in previewing the book simply has to visit Blurb's website and search my title.

Lake Superior Provincial Park/Algoma
Watercolour Sketch

Sunday, 13 July 2014


Spring came late in our neck of the woods, then left a few days later as we jumped right into summer. Hard to believe, but our song birds will be heading back home in a month, or so. However, despite the rather short mating and nesting period most have raised families, and some are attempting a second nesting. Competition has been fierce, as everything seems to be proceeding at a frantic pace.

The Chase - Ruby-throated Hummingbirds    Graphite Drawing

Hummingbirds are very territorial. I've actually witnessed a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird kill another male Ruby-throated Hummingbird in order to secure a food source within its territory. The males will even chase off the females, and their own offspring. Life on the wild side is anything but pretty, and at times is quite brutal. Of course, it's not only wildlife that resorts to extremes for survival, we only have to tune in the news channel on our television to realize that we humans are not as civilized as we think. Life, a most precious thing, something that we should all celebrate with every new dawn has become, to some, a commodity to be threatened to achieve senseless goals and personal aspirations.
I've taken a bit of a time out from maintaining this blog as lately I've taken to putting together, and possibly publishing, a several books. As you may have noticed, if you've frequented my blog, I've accumulated a lot of drawings and paintings over the years. In an attempt to archive a few of the images I'm working with software downloaded from . I'm putting together a rewrite of an older book titled WHERE RAVEN PLAYS, and another titled SHADES OF GREY, which will contain many pencil and pen and ink sketches and drawings made over a period of thirty years.  I'll keep everyone informed as things progress.